There’s something quite edifying about boutique shopping, especially when you find ‘the one’. The relaxed atmosphere, personal attention and made-for-you edit all combine to create retail magic – the ineffable alchemy that makes a loyal customer out of a casual browser. That’s why I’m so jazzed to be part of the judging panel for the Image Boutique Awards 2018. 19:16:592019-02-24 18:03:05Not Another Model
In 45 days I’ll turn 45. With that, I thought it was timely to share an article I wrote on Cougar Style for the Irish Examiner shortly before my 40th birthday. For me, a cougar isn’t the risible caricature of a toyboy-toting older woman; she’s a demographic disruptor who plays by her own rules, especially […] 21:45:572018-05-10 19:31:0045 Days to 45
Do you feel a sense of dread and indecision every time you get dressed?
Are you constantly buying new clothes but still feel like you have nothing to wear?
Do you even know what your wardrobe needs?
Then you, poppet, need some closet therapy.
It’s not often (correction: ever) I get asked to model in a catwalk show, let alone for one of Ireland’s most beloved designers – Joanne Hynes. I’ve been a fan, customer and colleague of Joanne’s for the past 10 years and am one of many who did the happy dance when she launched her eponymous line for Dunnes Stores. Speaking of which…
Image Magazine Boutique Awards 2018
/in ShopThere’s something quite edifying about boutique shopping, especially when you find ‘the one’. The relaxed atmosphere, personal attention and made-for-you edit all combine to create retail magic – the ineffable alchemy that makes a loyal customer out of a casual browser. That’s why I’m so jazzed to be part of the judging panel for the Image Boutique Awards 2018.
Not Another Model
/in DressThis month I turned 45; I also signed to the Image board of Not Another model agency. Not bad for an old broad.
45 Days to 45
/in DressIn 45 days I’ll turn 45. With that, I thought it was timely to share an article I wrote on Cougar Style for the Irish Examiner shortly before my 40th birthday. For me, a cougar isn’t the risible caricature of a toyboy-toting older woman; she’s a demographic disruptor who plays by her own rules, especially […]
Buy Smarter, Buy Better – Shopping Made Easy
/in ShopDo you feel a sense of dread and indecision every time you get dressed?
Are you constantly buying new clothes but still feel like you have nothing to wear?
Do you even know what your wardrobe needs?
Then you, poppet, need some closet therapy.
/in ShopIt’s not often (correction: ever) I get asked to model in a catwalk show, let alone for one of Ireland’s most beloved designers – Joanne Hynes. I’ve been a fan, customer and colleague of Joanne’s for the past 10 years and am one of many who did the happy dance when she launched her eponymous line for Dunnes Stores. Speaking of which…