I love cashmere but I loathe its sense of entitlement. Those soft downy hairs that keep us warm in winter and cool in summer demand an expert touch. A bit delicate is our cashmere – which can be a total drag when it comes to wash day. Sure, there’s always a trade-off but does it need to involve a special brush, shampoo, conditioner and moth repellent?

All that said, I’ve fallen hard for my Theo + George ‘Ella’ cashmere sweater. In fact,
I’d go as far as to say I’m willing to put in the graft. Here’s why:

  • It has long sleeves. For a long-limbed gal this is the money shot. No more goose bumps, no more creative layering; just a decent sleeve.
  • You can machine wash it. Simply reverse the jumper, put it into a pillowcase and wash on cold. Top tip: put a couple similar coloured items or towels in the washer at the same time to help pad the jumper.
  • The cashmere is Grade A 100% Mongolian. This means softer and less prone to pilling than high street cashmere.
  • The cashmere is 100% traceable with socially-compliant production processes (higher wages for herdsmen; proper care of animals) that gives style added substance.
  • The price: The Theo + George online model means they can charge less than the recommended retail price which means more savings for you and me. Put simply: RRP €287; Theo + George price €139.
  • It makes the everyday effortless. That’s got to be worth something!
  • Interested in trying one on for size? Click on www.theoandgeorge.com.
  • #AD – this is a commercial collaboration between the lovely folks at Theo + George and The Happy Closet.