What Are Your Core Closet Values?
If the idea of a wardrobe detox or delving into the deep recesses of online shopping is up there with a root canal (hold the anaesthetic) then it might be time to look at your closet priorities – the value system that underpins the why behind what we buy.
We are at our happiest when our personal value system is in alignment with our actions.
By becoming more conscious of what you expect from your clothing, you’re better positioned to make informed shopping decisions and managing the lingering spectre of regret. Let’s face it, much of our decisions in life are really about determining what we prioritise most. Why should our closets be any different?
For example: If you value comfort but have a closet filled with tight, body-conscious dresses, will you feel satisfied? Equally, if you value ornate and visually-stimulating pieces, will a rack of minimalist separates really do it for you?
We are at our happiest when our personal value system is in alignment with our actions. We may get giddy with excitement at having broken the back of our new credit card on a slinky dress but the high garnered from material goods plateaus after a period of time. If you’re looking for a longer-term connection with what you wear, it needs to come from a deeper tether; not just surface value.
- Using the worksheet below, make a list of those items that give you the most bang for your buck on an emotional AND practical level.
- Next, describe the feeling you associate with each one. A leather jacket may make you feel invincible, put together or badass. Your skinny jeans could do the same. It’s okay if there’s overlap. In fact, it’s more than okay – it’s great. What we’re looking here for are word patterns.
- Once you’ve filled in the blanks, highlight those feelings that repeat themselves. Looking at my list, the keywords that emerge for me are:
When you go shopping or clear your closet, ensure that each item ticks at least THREE of these words. Having this tool in your back pocket also proves its worth when cross-checking the integrity behind our choices. In other words, knocking any shady excuses or rational lies squarely on the head.
Those strappy stilettoes you love may be feminine but are they also easy-to-wear and versatile? If it takes a degree in engineering to strap them on if you can only wear them with the help of three assistants and an act of God, a more suitable alternative might be in order. That goes double for decluttering. Sometimes the prospect of starting everything all over again is too much to think about. Throwing things out is tantamount to rescinding parts of one’s identity. By using this tool, the process of clearing and curating will become a habit worth forming.
Click on the link below to download your own Core Closet Values worksheet.