The COVID-19 Lesson: Deciding to Be Satisfied

Regret. It’s not the most obvious emotion one associates with emerging from an unprecedented global pandemic. Yet, many of us are feeling just that. Mandated quarantine, aided by social media one-upmanship, has fostered a contagion of its own – the self-improvement guilt trip.

4 Mindfulness & Meditation Apps that Will Make You Happier

In one of my previous posts, I shared four reasons you should try meditating – today. For those of you who maintain you still don’t have the time to meditate, fear not. Meditation is like a mind-gym, equipped with various machines according to your tastes and skill level. There’s no point diving head-first into the full […]

See Into Your Future With This Simple Tool

Feeling a bit stuck in your life? Not sure which path to take? We’ve all been there. Nothing feels worse than sitting on the fence (apart from the fact that it leaves marks); so why not play Mystic Meg and imagine what the first step looks like. Here’s how: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charles Duhigg, author […]

Why Going With the Flow Should Be Your #LifeGoal

Going with the flow gets a bad rap. Often mistaken for herd mentality, complacency or the remit of Jimmy Buffet songs (‘Wasted away again in Margaritaville!’), its meaning rarely holds company with that of productivity. But flow is more than a laidback epithet. It’s the stealth samurai of satisfaction; the judo throw of good decisions; a secret attention weapon when distraction tries elbowing its way to the front of the queue.

4 Reasons Why You Should Try Meditation – Today

Meditation is more than an esoteric exercise for the spiritually-inclined. It’s the singularly most effective tool in clearing distractions and helping us make better decisions. The result? Increased life satisfaction.

Life Feeling a Bit Stale? Convert Your Routine into a Ritual

Looking at things with curious eyes allows us an opportunity for creativity and variety, which, in turn, keeps our habits from becoming unconscious or automatic. The result? Instant vitality. Life feeling a bit stale? You don’t need to BASE-jump off the Burj Khalifa tower or zip-line naked over a crocodile farm to fuel the dopamine […]

This Tip Will Make Your Social Media Activity More Mindful

What do the internet and the phrase ‘too much information’ have in common? Everything. The biggest cause of anti-social behaviour online? A lack of boundaries. According to a peer-reviewed study carried out by Princeton and Freie Universität researchers, we spend approximately 30% of face-to-face conversations talking about ourselves, whereas this number jumps to 80% online. […]

Why Small Moments Are a Big Deal

Life is filled with small moments – hundreds upon thousands of special small moments. Sadly, these smallies are frequently overlooked in favour of their broadcastable, Pinterest-worthy, envy-inducing, Insta-fabulous brethren; the big daddies that occur a handful of times during our earthly existence – if we’re lucky.  Smallies, on the other hand, happen more often than Kanye […]

How to Be Grateful Even When Things Suck

  Showing gratitude seems like an easy enough gig. You show up, you say thanks for what you’ve got, you go about your business. If only it were that simple. It’s easy to be grateful when life is tickety-boo but can you throw down the same big love for your share of problems? Exactly! That’s […]

Killing It With Kindness

WARNING: Kindness is contagious, habit-forming and has serious side effects. Prolonged daily use leads to compassion, empathy, and unlimited well-being. Symptoms may develop immediately after exposure. Proceed with care. Kindness is an instant connector. Kindness is anti-aging. Kindness is viral and highly contagious. Kindness is intoxicating. We are wired for kindness. It’s in our DNA. […]